Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camping at Bald Eagle State Park

We have a terrific group of friends we met through the kid's daycare.  Our oldest kids, with the exception of one, are in the same grade, have been together since not long after they were born.  Same thing with our second kids (with the exception of Cathy who will head off to school a year ahead of them).  Third kids?  Well, half the group has them (including a set of twins) and half doesn't... but you guessed it, the youngest kids were all born within months of each other.

We have park dates, dinner parties, and occasional grown-up nights together, and most of us are planning to travel together to the Outer Banks next year... we really like each other that much.  Our kids like each other that much.  It's been great.

Earlier this summer, when one of the other moms suggested that we pack up the dads and kids and send them camping out at Bald Eagle State Park, I knew it was a must for our Summer of Fun even though I was not invited.   

Last night was camping night... the kids were definitely excited to be going though I must have heard a dozen times (mostly from Cathy) that they didn't want to go without me, that they would just miss me too much.  I packed them up and sent them out the door anyway... mostly because I was sure once they settled at camp with eight of their best friends, they'd be just fine.  They were. 

I could pretend that I was a little sad not to be invited, but that would be a lie.  I didn't have anyone asking me to play Zingo or pitch to them in the backyard; I didn't feel compelled to do laundry or clean my house.  Instead, the moms got together for dinner and drinks.  And afterwards, I shopped.  I read a book... things I wanted to do.  It was nice!  

After camp was set up last night, I heard there was grilling, a trip down to the beach, s'mores, bike riding, and a late bedtime.  I wasn't missed at all.

All the moms joined the group this morning for a fun day on the beach and we spent about five or six hours before packing it in.  The highlight of the day: our boat ride down past the bald eagle's nest, complete with a tube ride and swim in the lake.  The kids had a great time jumping off the boat and it was fun to watch both Matt and his friend Kayleigh enjoy their tube ride.  Cathy told us repeatedly that she wasn't interested in a ride herself, but she changed her mind and I rode the tube back to the beach with her.  She was a little apprehensive at first and we did need to ask them to slow down the boat a bit, but she had a great time.

Overall, it was such a relaxing summer day and I am glad I made the trip down to spend time with everyone, despite the growing list of things that need to be done around the house.

I'll take a great day with the kids over a clean house any day!!!

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